Tambora Challenge
March 25, 2015
March 31, 2015Kompas Semarang Education Expo (KSEE) 2015, run from 27 – 29 March 2015 at Paragon Mall Semarang. The expo will provide more than 35 booths for education institution. KSEE 2015 is the only education expo which provides full range of studying information to students, parents and visitors from national education to overseas study including language preparation, consultancy, visa, scholarships, programs and courses from quality institutions and universities around the world. Through KSEE 2015 has opened up a new window to the world of higher education, thus winning the confidence of both students and parents alike, and in the process cementing its position as the best such platform in the region.
KSEE 2015 is the benchmark of education expo, and will become a catalyst to the region’s ambitious higher education campaign to prepare its youth to achieve high in their life and contribute to the nation’s growth. There will be also various contest for students, like fashion show, puzzle kids, colouring digital, drawing digital, blogging, and photography. For more information, visit edux.print.kompas.com